Research   Writing   Talking    Teaching   Projects 



Sibel’s Journey is a educational adventure game for teenagers and schools, to playfully explore topics around sexuality, gender, bodies, and boundaries. It is the first Serious & Educational Online Game of its kind in Germany and available in German, English and Turkish. We developped it with our collective Food for Thought Media

Integration into the classroom 
You can book workshops with my collegues on how to bring these topics and the game into your school, classroom or youth groups. They teach educators how to facilitate their own workshops or lessons and integrate our game into their classes, pedagogic training and workshops:
︎︎︎ foodforthoughtmedia.com/workshops

Safe in our world, 05.01.2024
Heise, 04.05.2023
Games Mag, 20.04.2023
Good Neighbors, 10.05.2021
Siegessäule, 27.04.2021
Good News for You
4Players, 28.04.2021
Gayming Mag, 10.12.2020


Building Community Resilience via Creativity and Digital Media

︎2020 - 2021︎

#GenderStruggles was a project bringing together researchers and activists from Turkey, Sweden, and Germany to discuss exchange strategies of resistance and build resilience. The Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Sweden and Sabanci University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence (SU Gender) in Turkey hosted the project. Humboldt University Center for Comparative Research on Democracy in Germany adjoined the project in collaboration with SU Gender.

Based on our workshops, Selin Çağatay, Zeynep Göker, Olga Hünler & Aslı Polatdemir wrote a paper about how we move beyond the dichotomy of resilience and resistance in queer & feminist activism, emotional aspects of their relationship, and how both are shaped by class and geopolitical differences:

Published 2023 in Gender, Place & Culture
“Collective resilience and resistance in hybrid times: gender struggles in Germany, Turkey and Sweden”

TONIC Magazin 
︎2010 - 2022︎

TONIC Magazin was an online and print project experimenting with new and classic forms of journalism. As a non-profit association we offered workshops for young journalists, published print magazines, journalistic posters, and run an online magazine. We archived everything under tonic-magazin.de, you can still order most of the print products.

Last Publication in 2022 [in German] 

Ein Plakazin (Plakat + Magazin) mit einer Geschichte über Graubereiche, Konsens & männliche Egos, aus dem Französischen von Elisa Crabeil und mir übersetzt, Illustration von Loan Capitaine. Zum Lesen und an die Wand hängen im TONIC-Magazin-Shop zum Selbstkostenpreis von 3€

Taz, 15.02.2015
INTERVIEVV, 19.11.2014
Auf ein Bier mit, 15.10.2014
Vocer, 19.11.2014
Taz, 23.10.2014
Voll auf die Presse, 06.12.2013
Berliner Zeitung, 14.08.2013
Spiegel, 07.12.2012
Taz, 04.12.2012

Joined forces with
Transform Magazin
Emerge Mag
Pop-Kultur Berlin
Fuchsbau Festival