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I am a doctoral candidate in Sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main in Germany. My Ph.D. project looks at gender transitions through the lens of  new materialism. I am interested in how contemporary sex/gender transitions are made, how they become evident as transitions and their differentiation from non-transitioning gender. Following Susan Stryker, I understand sex/gender transitions as non-linear movements across socially imposed boundaries, away from an unchosen starting place, the gender assigned at birth and in everyday life. Based on a new materialist ethnography I conducted, including interviews with people who transition in Germany, I develop a situated description of the different material-discursive boundary drawing processes that shape sex/gender transitions. For this, I make use of a new materialist methodology based on Karen Barad’s Agential Realism and Gilles Deleuze’s Difference-in-itself. 
“The only way
to get outside the dualisms
is to be-between,
to pass between”

Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus

Research Interests  

  • Feminist Theory
    & Science Studies 
  • Trans Studies
  • Socio-material approaches, New Materialisms
  • Time and processes of differentiation
  • Embodiment, emotions, 
    modern subject & self formation